Managing the everyday life of a young child is not easy. Your baby is adorable, certainly, but you are constantly being asked.
Tired of bathing, household chores, training in cleanliness, crises … You are exhausted!
So imagine what it can be like when the stork is about to visit you again to deliver your second child!
Here are some tips to help you manage your first baby during your second pregnancy.
Second pregnancy: Save your daily efforts
When you are pregnant, even the simplest gestures can become difficult. Like lifting your baby or bathing, for example.
These movements, in particular, are very demanding for your back and perineum. It is therefore important to carry them out properly.
Here’s how to save your body and not exhaust yourself by caring for your first baby when you’re pregnant again:
- Avoid lifting loads during your pregnancy. Even if your first child is constantly asking for your arms.
- Always keep your back straight when you are making an effort.
- When lifting or placing your child, make sure to hold him or her as close as possible to your body, using your forearms.
The closer he is to you, the less effort you will have to put into your back and perineum. - Squat, kneel or sit on your heels instead of bending over.
- Exercise your legs when you have to squat or get up.
- Support yourself on one leg and one arm when you get up.
- To carry your child, place him straddling your hip (Don’t do like me by using your belly slack as a seat! Extremely bad for the back!)
- To be comfortable when bathing, sit on a small bench or stool or kneel on your heels.
Now that you know how to properly perform these movements, here are some other tips for better managing your first
baby during your second pregnancy.
Second pregnancy: Encourage autonomy
You know you don’t do what you want with a baby in your arms! So take advantage of the few months of your second pregnancy to
encourage your first baby to develop his autonomy.
The more your second pregnancy progresses, the more difficult it will be for you to answer the countless requests of your elder.
By pushing him to become independent, you not only help his development and save your physical efforts, but it will also
give you a serious helping hand when
your second child arrives.
Second pregnancy: opt for quiet games
Managing the daily life of a young baby while expecting a second child can be very demanding both physically and mentally. We understand that.
However, even if it is difficult to find the energy and time to play with your first baby, it is important to offer him/her moments just for him/her.
So that your child does not feel rejected by your new pregnancy.
Also, encourage quiet activities such as coloring, crafts, board games, and reading, or simply play on the bed. Baby can let off steam when Dad or
someone else takes over.
You are pregnant with your second baby. It is important to take care of yourself. Keep reading for more tips on how to manage your first baby
during your second pregnancy.
Second pregnancy: ask for help
To compensate fatigue, lack of sleep and the physical changes that accompany a second pregnancy, being organized and asking for help
will be essential.
Forget about Wonder Woman!
Do not be shy to ask for support from family and friends as soon as your pregnancy is announced.
Involve the Daddy too! After all, you are a team!
Encourage him to take care of certain tasks, such as baths for example. And why not organize special father-child outings?
Your little one will love those special moments, alone with Dad. He can then engage in more physical activities to let off steam.
Second pregnancy: take time for yourself
Consider having your first baby cared for less for a few hours a week. At best, schedule regular shifts. This will give you a little respite and
allow you to rest.
Why not take advantage of this time to offer you a treatment or go to dinner with your friends. Taking time alone, for you, it’s so important!
Do not forget your spouse either. Plan couple outings. Single moments in one-on-one will be even rarer with the arrival of your second child!
Second pregnancy: don’t feel guilty
“I felt like a terrible mother. I was always tired and I didn’t have the energy to play with him anymore.”
This sentence has often been repeated when questioning mothers who had experienced a second pregnancy with their first child
at an early age.
If we should give you only one tip, the most important thing would be DO NOT feel GUILTY.
Listen to yourself.
Don’t forget that you are in the process of making your second child! A little brother or sister for your first baby!
Certainly, managing your first child during a second pregnancy has unequivocal challenges. But with organization, letting go and
the proper help, you will certainly get there.
And then, a little advice from a shameful mother: it’s okay to offer your elder a few minutes of cartoons when he’s too excited,
or when you really need calm. Everyone will be very happy!
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